Monday, July 28, 2008

Uh Oh, David, Why Did You Lose Supporters? And Why Won’t the Liberal Media Report It?

From the Arizona Repugnant covering David Schweikert’s congressional race in 1994:

In a speech before supporters at the state capitol, Schweikert said he will run on his record as a member of the Legislature's conservative leadership. House Speaker Mark Killian, R-Mesa, is serving as Schweikert's campaign manager.

But what the liberal Repugnant won’t report now is that Schweikert’s former campaign manager IS NOW SUPPORTING LAURA KNAPEREK!!!!

Isn’t it a pretty BIG DEAL when a campaign manager crosses into another camp?

Is the liberal Repugnant protecting Schweikert because he refuses to protect the life of the unborn and support overturning Roe v. Wade?

Why did PolitickerAZ refuse to report this at the beginning? And is it for the same reason that PolitickerAZ REMOVED a post about Schweikert that could be construed as negative? Is the liberal media endorsing Schweikert by refusing to report his negatives?


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe politicker removed that article the second there were some negative things said about Schweikert!
Politicker is literally censoring its readers by not letting the truth come out about this liberal, AFL-CIO endorsed, tax hiker. The fact that David needs liberal media outlets to protect him is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is jumping behind Schweikert because he consistently raised the most money... but all of his cash comes from his stupid out of state Club for Growth buddies. It even convinced Arizona Right to Life to endorse him the other day.

But he has no real support among conservatives in the distrct because he isn't a real conservative! This AFL-CIO endorsed, tax raising liberal needs to get out of race so we can rally behind a real conservative.

Anonymous said...

Wow. He's supposed to be a Conservative? Not quite the definition I had in mind. Laura is really looking like the strongest REAL Republican in this race

Anonymous said...

Politicker only concerns itself with real news from trusty sources.

AZGOP 5, or True GOP doesnt count.

Whoever your party puts up cannot beat Mitchell. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you would have a point if the things people said on politicker were found to be untrue but he did get endorsed by the AFL-CIO and he did raise taxes while he was Treasurer!

The fact that Politicker removed an article is pathetic and shows that either they want to censor their readers or want to protect Schweikert from the truth.

And since they have not removed articles about any other candidate when accusations are made against them we have to assume Politicker is protecting Schweikert.

If Politicker is taking sides in races like this I think it is pretty hard for them to be claiming to be only caring about real news sources because they obviously are not one.