Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Schweikert Sponsored Gas Tax Hike Legislation

The truth is out about David Schweikert and his so-called conservatism.

Sonoran Alliance exposed Schweikert by pointing out an Associated Press story from 1993 in which Schweikert proposed “to add 8 cents to the state tax on diesel fuel. That would raise the tax to 26 cents a gallon - one of the highest rates among western states.”

This inconvenient truth has RINOs in an uproar to defend Schweikert’s gas tax raising ways.
EspressoPundit says Schweikert was justified because he was working for the trucking lobby to waive a trucker fee.


Instead of proposing a NEW TAX, Schweikert should have CUT SPENDING!

There’s a reason why EspressoPundit won’t acknowledge this fact. He’s a long-time friend of Schweikert’s and was the best man at Schweikert’s wedding.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Uh Oh, David, Why Did You Lose Supporters? And Why Won’t the Liberal Media Report It?

From the Arizona Repugnant covering David Schweikert’s congressional race in 1994:

In a speech before supporters at the state capitol, Schweikert said he will run on his record as a member of the Legislature's conservative leadership. House Speaker Mark Killian, R-Mesa, is serving as Schweikert's campaign manager.

But what the liberal Repugnant won’t report now is that Schweikert’s former campaign manager IS NOW SUPPORTING LAURA KNAPEREK!!!!

Isn’t it a pretty BIG DEAL when a campaign manager crosses into another camp?

Is the liberal Repugnant protecting Schweikert because he refuses to protect the life of the unborn and support overturning Roe v. Wade?

Why did PolitickerAZ refuse to report this at the beginning? And is it for the same reason that PolitickerAZ REMOVED a post about Schweikert that could be construed as negative? Is the liberal media endorsing Schweikert by refusing to report his negatives?

Bitter Smith Connected to ‘Hookergate’

It is absolutely stunning that Susan Bitter Smith tries to run as a ‘real conservative’ but the truth is she connected herself to the sleazy underworld of prostitution.

She has hired on her staff Carolyn Machado, a DC republican operative that was the finance director to Senator David Vitter.

Vitter is the Senator who admitted to using hookers supplied by the DC Madam who eventually killed herself.

By hiring Vitter’s aide, we believe Bitter Smith is setting a low moral code for her campaign. Hardly a ‘real conservative.’

Monday, July 14, 2008

Susan Bitter Smith Loves Terrorists

Apparently, Susan Bitter-Smith doesn’t believe Osama bin Laden is a threat to us. Word is in conservative circles is that an editorial that good ‘ol Susan wrote in the Arizona Repugnant a few years ago saying she opposed allowing national security agencies the authority to look at the email of KNOWN TERRORISTS is making its way around. Susan called looking at Osama’s email a “privacy intrusion.”

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Knaperek Ready to Win the "War of Ideas"

In just the last week, Jim Ogsbury is running an ad on FOX NEWS that features the creepy NFVV-Keira Knightly Stalker and liberal David Schweikert announced that US soldiers ought to be tried as war criminals. Things are getting crazy. They’re about to get more busy.

We’ve heard that Laura Knaperek and her team are set to roll into action this week. GOP sources indicate that Knaperek is ready to “win the war of ideas” and outline conservative policy proposals that distinguish her from other candidates and the liberal Harry Mitchell.

Stay tuned...

Liberal Schweikert: US Soliders Should Face War Crimes Charges

In yet another example of how out of touch David Schweikert is with conservative values, Schweikert is arguing that US soldiers be accountable to international tribunals for their actions in a war. Schweikert said that Democrat General Wesley Clark should “face a war crimes tribunal for unfairly targeting civilians during his tenure as the NATO commander during the Bosnian Conflict.”

Schweikert, in a press release, said that the US should follow Amnesty International’s recommendations.

There has been no response from Schweikert’s opponents — Laura Knaperek, Susan Bitter Smith, Mark Anderson or Jim Ogsbury. There has been no indication that any of them will follow Schweikert’s un-American position.

Shame on Schweikert for arguing that US soldiers should be held accountable to other countries and imprisoned at the Hague.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Returning from Vacation...

It was great to have a few days off, but we’re back. New posts soon.